That's right.... AF showed up this morning. Early at that...and with terrible cramps. I have actually been cramping for a couple of days. But, at least she is here on her own for the third time in a row. I have also been exhausted for about a week. Tuesday I slept basically for the entire day and I have been in bed before 11 every night this week.
It has been a rough couple of weeks. I haven't been feeling great. I was having severe sinus and ear pain for a couple of days. It was soooo painful that I got really nauseaus and dizzy. After a trip to the doctor I found out that it wasn't just a typical sinus infection or ear infection like I thought. Apparently I have ETD (Eustacian Tube Dysfunction). It can occur in a split second and become very painful and just as fast as it appeared, it subsides. CRAZY!!!! PAINFUL!!!! And the best news is that there isn't really anything to do. It can become irritated by bad allergies and so I was prescribed NOSE SPRAY for EAR PAIN!! Doesn't really make sense to me, but I guess it has helped.
So I was supposed to call and setup an appt. to start the clinical trial, but I haven't yet since I haven't been feeling to well, and since I AF showed up today I guess it doesn't really matter since they wouldn't be able to do much until next cycle.
I dunno. Part of me wonders if I will just MAGICALLY become pregnant since my period has decided to become regular on its own. Then part of me wonders if I were to just try naturally for a while if my cycles would go back to being screwy and I would be back and square one again.
Maybe, just maybe it would work. But then again that is the same thing I thought for SIX years of trying and not doing anything. And it got me nothing.
I guess I should call them and make an appt.