My jelly bean

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why not me???

So I was doing pretty well with the whole not being pregnant thing until.....I just logged onto Facebook and saw that my husbands ex just found out she is pregnant with her THIRD child....she separated from her husband last year and has been partying with GOD knows who and doing GOD knows what with them.... now she is pregnant!!!

Why is she pregnant and NOT me? Why does she deserve ANOTHER baby and NOT me?

I dunno...I guess I'm just having one of those days.....


  1. Ugh, I'm sorry. There is no easy answer for why someone like her can so easily get what you try so hard for. Try not to focus on how unfair life can be at times, and think of all the positive things instead...your day WILL come:)

  2. I'm so sorry... I just had one of those days recently! It's never fun, and I pray that you get your baby soon. Just remember that even though it doesn't make sense, when you do get your LO, you will remember all this pain was worth it. ;-)
