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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Here goes nothing!!

So here I go, on a blogging adventure. I never really had the desired to share all of thoughts with complete strangers until recently. Why the sudden interest?? Well it's kinda a long story, so here's the semi short version.

My husband (Mr. Wonderful) and I have been married for 10 years and we have the most amazing 8 year old daughter, Doodle (obviously not her real name, but will be for the sake of blogging). We have been trying to conceive our second child for about the last 6 years, very unsuccessfully. I was diagnosed with PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) about 6 months ago. I will save the details of that for another day, but it has left me with a lot of over-whelming feelings that I must share with someone, or I just might go crazy!!! 

Feelings such as.........

I am hoping that by blogging, I can relieve some of my own stress, and maybe even help others going through similar issues. I am on Facebook, but I don't share much on there because I don't like every one knowing my business. I am also on, but even surrounded my so many others that share similar stories, I still feel like I can't be myself. What if someone doesn't agree, or like what I have to say, or thinks I'm wrong. That is the main reason why I decided to blog. If you don't like what I have to say, or don't want to hear me bitch...then don't read it!!!! It feels so liberating just typing that!!! Hahaha.....who knew this could be this much fun!!! And I just started.

Tomorrow I will start with my past....that should be fun!!


1 comment:

  1. Haha, this is an awesome post. The whole, if you don't want to hear me bitch than don't read it... I feel the same exact way!!!!! It is awesome that you found a clinical trial to participate in.
