My jelly bean

 Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A baby for the low, low price of $300.00

So Mr. Wonderful isn't accepting the other job. This is actually a wonderful thing. His current employer refused to accept his resignation and instead went to the board and asked what they would approve to try and retain him. He was able to counter the other offer with the same amounts that they were going to pay him. It actually works out so much better for us because he won't have to pay more for gas to drive an additional 40 miles per day, or pay an additional $200 a pay for health insurance, or have to start paying 5% into his retirement. At the moment the employer contributes to it and he is not required to contribute anything.

Needless to say that I was very excited about him staying where he is until.....yesterday. His employment package for the other place came in the mail. We opened it and looked at it just see what all of their benefits were. I got to the medical coverage part and started reading it. At the very bottom there it was under Family Planning..... Infertility treatment - artificial insemination, surgical treatment -four per lifetime - you pay $300.00. 

Seriously?!? Our current insurance doesn't cover ANYTHING!!!! But we only pay $120/pay for health insurance. At the other place we would have to pay $324/pay....almost the entire pay increase would have gone to paying for the insurance. Logically this makes perfect sense. We are coming out ahead if he stays where is at...but at the same time I feel like reading that part was saying: "A BABY FOR ONLY $300" Realistically I know that is not the case, but I can't help but wonder......

I know that he made the right choice to stay where he is. The schedule is better, and he will bring home enough money for me to continue to be a SAHM.  And with the extra money, we will be able to save money to pay for treatments in the future.

So for now, he will stay where he is, we will continue on track for the clinical trial, and hopefully things will get better financially for us very soon.

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